
Showing 19–27 of 129 items

  • 3CX15,000A7

    The Penta Laboratories 3CX15,000A7 for sale is a ceramic / metal power triode intended for use as a zero-bias Class rf amplifier or Class C power amplifier or oscillator. Class B operation with zero grid bias offers circuit simplicity by eliminating the bias supply. In addition, grounded-grid operation is attractive since a power gain as high as twenty times can be obtained with the 3CX15,000A7.

  • 3CX15,000H3

    More information coming soon.

  • 3CX1500A7

    The Penta Laboratories PL8877/3CX1500A7 amplifier tube for sale is a rugged ceramic and metal power triode designed for use as cathode driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifier in audio or rf applications, including the VHF band. It can also be used as a cathode driven plate modulated Class C rf amplifier. As a linear amplifier, high power gain may be obtained without sacrifice of low intermodulation distortion characteristics.

    Low grid interception and high amplification factor combine to make the PL8877/3CX1500A7 drive power requirements exceptionally low for a tube of this power capacity.

  • 3CX20,000A7

    More information coming soon.

  • 3CX2500F3

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  • 3CX2500H3

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  • 3CX3000A1

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  • 3CX3000A7

    The Penta 3CX3000A7 tube for sale is a high-mu metal/ceramic external anode power triode. Maximum plate dissipation for this tube is 4000 watts, and cooling is forced-air. At moderate plate voltages, relatively high power output can be obtained from the 3CX3000A7 tube for sale as an amplifier, oscillator, or modulator.

    For grounded-grid operation, excellent shielding between the input and output circuits is provided by the grid, handily terminated between the filament and plate terminals. A power gain of approximately 20 times can be obtained under operation with zero grid bias. The 3CX3000A7 amplifier tube for sale is designed using a rugged, lowinductance cylindrical filament stem, making it especially well suited for use in the linear filament tank circuit under VHF operation.

  • 3CX3000F7

    More information coming soon.

Showing 19–27 of 129 items

Penta Laboratories