
Showing 106–120 of 129 items

  • HY6302

    More information coming soon.

  • KT66

    The Penta Laboratories KT66 vacuum tube for sale is a high slope, indirectly heated beam triode designed principally for use in the output stage of audio amplifiers. This KT66 amplifier may also be used as an oscillator or R.F. power amplifier for frequencies up to 30Mc/s.

    It is suitable for either single or push-pull audio operation, and may be employed as a triode with screen connected through a 100 ohm resistor to the anode.

  • KT88

    Our KT88 vacuum tubes for sale have an absolute maximum anode dissipation rating of 50W and are designed for use in the output stage of an A.F. amplifier. Two tubes in Class AB1 give a continuous output of up to 120W. The KT88 is also suitable for use as a series tube in a stabilized power supply.

  • M515

    More information coming soon.

  • PL10277

    More information coming soon.

  • PL328

    More information coming soon.

  • PL338

    More information coming soon.

  • PL347

    More information coming soon.

  • PL382

    More information coming soon.

  • PL582

    More information coming soon.

  • PL8533

    More information coming soon.

  • PL8536

    More information coming soon.

  • PL8741

    More information coming soon.

  • PSK1300

    More information coming soon.

  • PSK2210

    More information coming soon.

Showing 106–120 of 129 items

Penta Laboratories