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The Penta Laboratories 3CX800A7 tube for sale is a compact power triode intended for use as a cathode-driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifier in rf applications including the VHF band. As a linear amplifier, high power gain may be obtained without sacrifice of low intermodulation distortion characteristics. Low grid interception and high amplification factor combine to make the 3CX800A7 drive power low for a tube of this power capacity. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts key-down CW output power to 350 MHz. The 3CX800A7 replacement tube for sale is useful to 450 MHz. The anode is forced-air cooled for 800 watts of dissipation.
$1,049.953CX800A7 Matched Pair
The Penta Laboratories 3CX800A7 tubes for sale are compact power triodes intended for use as cathode-driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifiers in rf applications, including the VHF band. As a linear amplifier, high power gain may be obtained without sacrifice of low intermodulation distortion characteristics. Low grid interception and high amplification factor combine to make the 3CX800A7 drive power low for a tube of this power capacity. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts key-down CW output power to 350 MHz. The 3CX800A7 tubes for sale are useful to 450 MHz. The anode is forced-air cooled for 800 watts of dissipation.
Our KT88 vacuum tubes for sale have an absolute maximum anode dissipation rating of 50W and are designed for use in the output stage of an A.F. amplifier. Two tubes in Class AB1 give a continuous output of up to 120W. The KT88 is also suitable for use as a series tube in a stabilized power supply.
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