CX1140LGC Deuterium Thyratron CX1140LGC Deuterium Thyratron
Gas Filled Thyratrons

CX1140LGC Deuterium Thyratron

In Stock — Just a few left

The Thomson-CSF CX1140LGC for sale is a reliable, high-performance deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron designed for applications demanding rapid switching or extended pulse durations. Its integrated deuterium reservoir, coupled with a ceramic and metal construction, ensures consistent performance and longevity. This is a cost efficient best-in-class replacement for E2V Teledyne Thyratron tubes. 


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Varian Part Number: 6190900570

Key Features & Applications:

High Repetition Rates: Ideal for radar, lasers, and medical LINAC equipment where fast, accurate switching is critical.

Long Pulse Duration: Suited for industrial power supplies, particle accelerators, and research applications requiring sustained energy delivery.

Consistent Performance: The built-in deuterium reservoir maintains stable operation over extended periods.

Rugged Construction: Ceramic and metal body withstands demanding environments.

Oxide-Coated Cathode: Promotes efficient electron emission for reliable triggering.

Technical Specifications (Summary):

Type: Deuterium-filled Tetrode Thyratron

Peak Anode Voltage: 33 kV

Peak Anode Current: 1000 A (2000 A for 60 pps max)

Heater Voltage: 6.3 V

Reservoir Voltage: Internally connected to cathode heater

The CX1140LGC Deuterium Thyratron Tube is primarily used in industries requiring high-power switching with rapid repetition or long pulse durations. These include:

Radar Systems: For generating high-power pulses in radar transmitters.

Pulsed Lasers: To control the discharge of high-voltage power supplies in laser systems.

Particle Accelerators: In pulsed power modulators for controlling the acceleration of particles.

Medical Imaging Devices: In some X-ray and other imaging equipment for generating high-voltage pulses.

Industrial Power Supplies: For switching high currents and voltages in various industrial processes.

Scientific Research: In various research applications requiring precise control of high-power switching.

The CX1140LGC's unique capabilities make it particularly well-suited for applications that demand both speed and sustained energy delivery. Its reliability and long pulse duration make it a valuable component in many cutting-edge technologies.

Why Choose Penta Laboratories' CX1140LGC?

Proven Reliability: Established performance in demanding applications.

Expert Support: Our team offers comprehensive technical assistance.

Industry Leader: Penta Laboratories is a trusted name in electron tube technology.

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