Showing 25–48 of 129 items
The Penta 3CX3000A7 tube for sale is a high-mu metal/ceramic external anode power triode. Maximum plate dissipation for this tube is 4000 watts, and cooling is forced-air. At moderate plate voltages, relatively high power output can be obtained from the 3CX3000A7 tube for sale as an amplifier, oscillator, or modulator.
For grounded-grid operation, excellent shielding between the input and output circuits is provided by the grid, handily terminated between the filament and plate terminals. A power gain of approximately 20 times can be obtained under operation with zero grid bias. The 3CX3000A7 amplifier tube for sale is designed using a rugged, lowinductance cylindrical filament stem, making it especially well suited for use in the linear filament tank circuit under VHF operation.
The Penta Laboratories 3CX800A7 tube for sale is a compact power triode intended for use as a cathode-driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifier in rf applications including the VHF band. As a linear amplifier, high power gain may be obtained without sacrifice of low intermodulation distortion characteristics. Low grid interception and high amplification factor combine to make the 3CX800A7 drive power low for a tube of this power capacity. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts key-down CW output power to 350 MHz. The 3CX800A7 replacement tube for sale is useful to 450 MHz. The anode is forced-air cooled for 800 watts of dissipation.
$1,049.953CX800A7 Matched Pair
The Penta Laboratories 3CX800A7 tubes for sale are compact power triodes intended for use as cathode-driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifiers in rf applications, including the VHF band. As a linear amplifier, high power gain may be obtained without sacrifice of low intermodulation distortion characteristics. Low grid interception and high amplification factor combine to make the 3CX800A7 drive power low for a tube of this power capacity. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts key-down CW output power to 350 MHz. The 3CX800A7 tubes for sale are useful to 450 MHz. The anode is forced-air cooled for 800 watts of dissipation.
The 4CX1500B/8660 tube is radial beam tetrode which is rated for 1500 watts maximum plate dissipation. Construction is metal/ceramic, and cooling is via forced-air. The high current, low voltage and low distortion design of the 4CX1500B/8660 makes it ideally suited for use in audio amplifier or Class AB1 RF linear amplifier applications. In addition, the 4CX1500B/8660 exhibits exceptionally low intermodulation distortion and low grid interception for a tube of its power output.
4CX20000A/8990 is a high-performance ceramic/metal power tetrode designed for audio and radio frequency applications. It is particularly well-suited for use in VHF FM broadcast transmitters in the Band II 88-108 MHz frequency range.
4CX20,000D/9015 is a ceramic/-
metal VHF power tetrode intended for use as
a RF amplifier up to 110 MHz. It is particular –
ly recommended for use in the 88-108 MHz
FM band. It features an electromechanical
structure which provides high RF operating
efficiency and low RF losses. The 4CX-
20,000D has a gain of up to 20 dB in FM
broad-cast service. The anode is rated for 20
kilowatts of dissipation with forced-air cool-
ing and incorporates a highly efficient cooler
of new design, which significantly reduces air
pressure and flow requirements and produc-
es low acoustical noise.$3,994.994CX20000E
The 4CX20,000E is a ceramic/metal power
tet-rode vacuum tube intended for use as a VHF power
amplifier. It features a type of internal
mechanical structure, which results in rf oper-
ating efficiency. Low rf losses in this structure
permit operation at full ratings to 110 MHz.
The 4CX20,000E provides high gain in FM
broadcast service and is also recommended
for rf linear power amplifier service, including
IBOC digital transmission. The anode is
rated for 20 kilowatts of dissipation with
forced-air cooling and incorporates a com –
pact, highly efficient cooler of new design.$3,994.994CX250B
The Penta 4CX250B amplifier tube is a forced-air cooled, 250-watt plate dissipation, external anode, ceramic and metal radial beam tetrode. The superior construction of the 4CX250B makes it ideal for use as a grid driven RF amplifier or oscillator, or an AF power amplifier or modulator.
Showing 25–48 of 129 items